UAE Offshore Company
UAE offshore company is a legal entity established in UAE offshore financial center, being protected by specific legislation which guarantees a status of full tax exemption, except for a small yearly license fee, and generally a high level of privacy. It is an entity specifically designed to be used by non residents only.
UAE offshore company can be an extremely resilient corporate entity commonly used in intercontinental tax planning, and can be amalgamated into a broad variety of business agreements. Tax augmentation, benefit (asset) protection and confidentiality are just some of the reimbursements which can be obtained by a proper application of an offshore company.

The International Business Companies (IBC) Registry allows foreign investors to register offshore companies as RAK Offshore without the need to establish a physical presence in the UAE. Companies are usually incorporated within 24 hours. Any non-resident individual or corporate entity can register a company. Many jurisdictions are considered only as tax havens. The United Arab Emirates is a real country with a real economy with a population of approximately more than 4 million. It has an established history of international trade, finance and business, and today it is one of the fastest growing countries in the world with one of the highest standards of living. The choice of a suitable jurisdiction is an important decision and requires careful considerations.
Important aspects to be examined and which RAK (Ras Al Khaimah) offers may be outlined as follows:
Political and Economic stability of the jurisdiction
- The availability of a modern and flexible legislative framework
- Simple incorporation and filing requirements
- The availability of Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA)
- State of the art banking system
- State of the art telecommunication facilities
Offshore Overview
UAE offshore company is a legal entity established in UAE offshore financial center, being protected
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Free zone companies are designed for boosting international business through providing 100%
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In order to setup uae free zone company, the applicant need to contact us for proceeding.
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The UAE has entered into rejection of double taxation treaties with many countries.
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